Config Object

A standardized configuration container object used by python-fedex.

class fedex.config.FedexConfig(key, password, account_number=None, meter_number=None, freight_account_number=None, integrator_id=None, wsdl_path=None, express_region_code=None, use_test_server=False)[source]

Bases: object

Base configuration class that is used for the different Fedex SOAP calls. These are generally passed to the Fedex request classes as arguments. You may instantiate a L{FedexConfig} object with the minimal C{key} and C{password} arguments and set the instance variables documented below at a later time if you must.

@type key: L{str} @param key: Developer test key. @type password: L{str} @param password: The Fedex-generated password for your Web Systems

account. This is generally emailed to you after registration.

@type account_number: L{str} @keyword account_number: The account number sent to you by Fedex after

registering for Web Services.

@type meter_number: L{str} @keyword meter_number: The meter number sent to you by Fedex after

registering for Web Services.

@type freight_account_number: L{str} @keyword freight_account_number: The freight account number sent to you

by Fedex after registering for Web Services.

@type integrator_id: L{str} @keyword integrator_id: The integrator string sent to you by Fedex after

registering for Web Services.

@type wsdl_path: L{str} @keyword wsdl_path: In the event that you want to override the path to

your WSDL directory, do so with this argument.

@type use_test_server: L{bool} @keyword use_test_server: When this is True, test server WSDLs are used

instead of the production server. You will also need to make sure that your L{FedexConfig} object has a production account number, meter number, authentication key, and password.
account_number = None

@ivar: Web Services account number.

express_region_code = None

@ivar: Web services ExpressRegionCode

freight_account_number = None

@ivar: Web Services freight accountnumber.

integrator_id = None

@ivar: Web services integrator ID.

key = None

@ivar: Developer test key.

meter_number = None

@ivar: Web services meter number.

password = None

@ivar: Fedex Web Services password.

use_test_server = None

@ivar: When True, point to the test server.