Source code for

Location Service Module

This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's 
LocationService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for
easy access. For more details on each, refer to the respective class's 

from ..base_service import FedexBaseService

[docs]class FedexSearchLocationRequest(FedexBaseService): """ This class allows you to figure out a FedEx location closest to a specified location criteria, based on location type. The response includes location details like operating times, directions and a map link and more. """ def __init__(self, config_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ @type config_obj: L{FedexConfig} @param config_obj: A valid FedexConfig object. """ self._config_obj = config_obj # Holds version info for the VersionId SOAP object. self._version_info = { 'service_id': 'locs', 'major': '3', 'intermediate': '0', 'minor': '0' } # Set default objects. self.Address = None """@ivar: Holds the Address WSDL object.""" self.PhoneNumber = None """@ivar: Holds the PhoneNumber string object.""" self.MultipleMatchesAction = None """@ivar: Holds the MultipleMatchesActionType WSDL object.""" self.Constraints = [] """@ivar: Holds a list of SearchLocationConstraints WSDL objects.""" self.LocationsSearchCriterion = None """@ivar: Holds the LocationsSearchCriteriaType WSDL object.""" self.SortDetail = None """@ivar: Holds the LocationSortDetail WSDL object.""" super(FedexSearchLocationRequest, self).__init__( self._config_obj, 'LocationsService_v3.wsdl', *args, **kwargs) def _prepare_wsdl_objects(self): """ Create the data structure and get it ready for the WSDL request. """ # Service defaults for objects that are required. self.MultipleMatchesAction = 'RETURN_ALL' self.Constraints = self.create_wsdl_object_of_type('SearchLocationConstraints') self.Address = self.create_wsdl_object_of_type('Address') self.LocationsSearchCriterion = 'ADDRESS' self.SortDetail = self.create_wsdl_object_of_type('LocationSortDetail') def _assemble_and_send_request(self): """ Fires off the Fedex request. @warning: NEVER CALL THIS METHOD DIRECTLY. CALL send_request(), WHICH RESIDES ON FedexBaseService AND IS INHERITED. """ # We get an exception like this when specifying an IntegratorId: # suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found: 'IntegratorId' # Setting it to None does not seem to appease it. del self.ClientDetail.IntegratorId self.logger.debug(self.WebAuthenticationDetail) self.logger.debug(self.ClientDetail) self.logger.debug(self.TransactionDetail) self.logger.debug(self.VersionId) # Fire off the query. return self.client.service.searchLocations( WebAuthenticationDetail=self.WebAuthenticationDetail, ClientDetail=self.ClientDetail, TransactionDetail=self.TransactionDetail, Version=self.VersionId, LocationsSearchCriterion=self.LocationsSearchCriterion, PhoneNumber=self.PhoneNumber, MultipleMatchesAction=self.MultipleMatchesAction, Constraints=self.Constraints, Address=self.Address, SortDetail=self.SortDetail)